- Operating Voltage: 5V DC
- Operating Current: 15mA
- Measure Angle: 15°
- Ranging Distance: 2cm - 4m
- Accuracy +-3mm
Despite many chips on the back side of this board, it does not use any protocols like I2C or SPI. But neither it requires analog-to-digital converter. It rather close to its physical properties, how a measurement signal sent about every 60 ms and received after some time. 1 uS = 58 cm
SparkFun Inventor’s Kit
Circuit 3B-Distance Sensor
Control the color of an RGB LED using an ultrasonic distance sensor.
This sketch was written by SparkFun Electronics, with lots of help from the Arduino community.
This code is completely free for any use.
View circuit diagram and instructions at: https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/sparkfun-inventors-kit-experiment-guide---v40
Download drawings and code at: https://github.com/sparkfun/SIK-Guide-Code
const int trigPin = 11; //connects to the trigger pin on the distance sensor
const int echoPin = 12; //connects to the echo pin on the distance sensor
const int redPin = 3; //pin to control the red LED inside the RGB LED
const int greenPin = 5; //pin to control the green LED inside the RGB LED
const int bluePin = 6; //pin to control the blue LED inside the RGB LED
float distance = 0; //stores the distance measured by the distance sensor
void setup()
Serial.begin (9600); //set up a serial connection with the computer
pinMode(trigPin, OUTPUT); //the trigger pin will output pulses of electricity
pinMode(echoPin, INPUT); //the echo pin will measure the duration of pulses coming back from the distance sensor
//set the RGB LED pins to output
pinMode(redPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(greenPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(bluePin, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
distance = getDistance(); //variable to store the distance measured by the sensor
Serial.print(distance); //print the distance that was measured
Serial.println(" in"); //print units after the distance
if (distance <= 10) { //if the object is close
//make the RGB LED red
analogWrite(redPin, 255);
analogWrite(greenPin, 0);
analogWrite(bluePin, 0);
} else if (10 < distance && distance < 20) { //if the object is a medium distance
//make the RGB LED yellow
analogWrite(redPin, 255);
analogWrite(greenPin, 50);
analogWrite(bluePin, 0);
} else { //if the object is far away
//make the RGB LED green
analogWrite(redPin, 0);
analogWrite(greenPin, 255);
analogWrite(bluePin, 0);
delay(50); //delay 50ms between each reading
float getDistance()
float echoTime; //variable to store the time it takes for a ping to bounce off an object
float calculatedDistance; //variable to store the distance calculated from the echo time
//send out an ultrasonic pulse that's 10ms long
digitalWrite(trigPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);
echoTime = pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH); //use the pulsein command to see how long it takes for the
//pulse to bounce back to the sensor
calculatedDistance = echoTime / 148.0; //calculate the distance of the object that reflected the pulse (half the bounce time multiplied by the speed of sound)
return calculatedDistance; //send back the distance that was calculated