5 servo robot
A new spin to my strange purchase of 5 servo drives. Why strange? Because 5 servos is not enough to make a spider (a hexapod robot). Here is…
Read more...A new spin to my strange purchase of 5 servo drives. Why strange? Because 5 servos is not enough to make a spider (a hexapod robot). Here is…
Read more...3D model description This new version of SMARS is reduced to the essential. The chassis has been eliminated to reduce printing time, motion…
Read more...I'm convinced that any robot should have a creepy aspect. Like tracking you big eyes that can drive people crazy. I've read in Discover…
Read more...Zak well explained how to add a MOSFET that will help with situations like using only battery USB connected, charging battery, battery is…
Read more...Observation: everyone creates their version [of motor controller/driver board] Starfish by Stargirl Acorn by Taylor Alexander or relies on…
Read more...One more thing I advise him to do, is to put in an a-d to verify current control. Mosfets have a turn on current, and then a rise current…
Read more...3D printing Tracks PLA Prusament Black Galaxy Wheels 2x Yellow PLA Prusament, 2x PETG Body Yellow PETG One evening example What's…
Read more...Plans for version 2 battery level indicator (LCD + DAC converter) 130 Ohm resistors for LEDs instead of 470 Ohm optional remote charger get…
Read more...For the first version let's keep this part simple and we will limit sensors to motor encoders proximity sensor (ultrasonic) accelerometer
Read more...Can you explain what do you find in ROS that is missing in regular Linux? (I’ve never used ROS, but it’s mentioned regularly, and I’m…
Read more...Introduction Power source Design power board Solar powered Movements and muscles Sensors Motors Muscles Compensate motor jitter Carcass…
Read more...Start here
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One model, Kame on thingi Simple spider with phone app and sensors as a brain
Read more...YMFC-AL ? YMFC Open Source: https://github.com/jamesshao8/ymfc-mini-drone Based on indiegogo campaign, ElecFreaks seems like a scam company…
Read more...Functions robot helps learn another language (link)
Read more...cute https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/gadget/rofi-bipedal-robot just a model, but impressing mech https://cults3d.com/en/3d-printing/heavy…
Read more...#Tiny4WD on Twiter
Read more...From https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5403752 And similar dog called by the creator: conveyor for ore sorting 🤣
Read more...Horikawa style Dokibot tiny legs, big head art deco style tank https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/tool/tank-hydra-mega-arduino quadpod, nice…
Read more...Kawaii robot Stack-chan owl Stack-chan robots created by Shinya Ishikawa and its community. For example this sad yellow lizard by Namako It…
Read more...SMARS version 1, version 4 (lite) created by Kevin Thomas. I originally saved a link to Cults 3D where I saw similar interface to…
Read more...Legged Robot 9 Servos (hexapod type) https://hackaday.io/project/174470-legged-robot-9-servos-hexapod-type https://www.frontiersin.org…