Many services allow you to share files across devices and have it safely stored in backups. But, almost understandably, they have policies…
Read more...Many services allow you to share files across devices and have it safely stored in backups. But, almost understandably, they have policies…
Read more...Every post is a mini scientific article, and it will have meticulously formatted reference. So for any reference in following discussion it…
Read more...I want to create a system that will help people to learn vim. One thing is that users need to know about available plugins that de facto are…
Read more...And while I was driving I had another idea about applying reinforcement learning to some small and fun project. I called it mi-mi-mi meter…
Read more...Addressable LEDs in some ornament. A neural network drives the signals. It defines timings and selects what LEDs should be on or off. A…
Read more...I had a dream where I worked with hardware engineers. We were examining a machine and then the power went down. I’ve heard people say that…
Read more...Detect harassment in chat automatically in real time. Some companies (I've read about it in Wired about Roblox) use empirical rules right…
Read more...Small carryable devices that only transmit data. They use solar energy to increase battery life. But essentially they serve as a replacement…
Read more...You probably have seen this picture: alligator wearing a leather jacket and riding a motorcycle. So this gives me an idea of a game: Nazi…
Read more...Casual game ideas Sound like a standard pipe tile-rotating puzzle Steampunk Engineering: Players construct complex machinery by connecting…
Read more...An app where you can choose what food you want today. You add into the list places and food you like and then it randomly selects one. Then…
Read more...Capitalism simulation game/educational app idea. It simulates trade, bank systems, inflation, demographic changes and such. It’s hard to…
Read more...The way to succeed at something is to be consistently committed to the project. But not every day we have the time and energy for that. We…
Read more...In your life, that is a puzzle, your main job is full of developer's puzzles while you are making a game about solving puzzles. We need to…
Read more...Problems with current UI infinite timeline makes it easy to scroll, but if you opened when you are far down and return back, then it doesn’t…
Read more...Freya Holmér's idea: 3D Sokoban
Read more...Improve windmill efficiency by changing its design and the form of blades with a genetic algorithm
Read more...If I’m not mistaken MTG has something unique about its balance, that even randomly generated cards wouldn’t break it. Let’s make an AI that…
Read more...the software engineering urge to get up, quit your job, run away to a ranch and open a farm while living a wholesome lifestyle surrounded by…
Read more...Take an open source file manager. Add Google Drive support - take a look at . But with UI.
Read more...Here's an idea. Website with fake news and real ones mixed together. Users can vote and guess if it's true or not. Fakes are generated by AI…
Read more...Augmented reality program that reconstructs buildings and landscape of the old city deleting modern objects and restoring ruined ones based…
Read more...Augmented reality kitchen. Helps you cook, orders required food from the store
Read more...Tool that takes photos from an Instagram account, passes it through AI tool to enlarge x4 times, then intellectually crops it to desired…