
The way to succeed at something is to be consistently committed to the project. But not every day we have the time and energy for that. We need to keep track of our progress, and switch our brain from work or home context or other errands into the project. Then we need to spend some time researching and not get distracted by social media. It would be feasible to do devote 15-30 minutes of daily life to the project, but only if a good plan of work is be prepared for this short interval of time.

There are not so many places where you can find well explained step by step guides. I know only one - Instructables. But then you need to split it into even period of time and keep track of that.

So this is an idea. A resource similar to instructables, where user-curated step-by-step guides are verified by other users. Users not only rate every project, but also update time estimation for every step by submitting their time. Every step can have a discussion section.

Mobile app helps to track time spent on every step. It somewhat similar to the challenge tracker, but it limits time you can spend per day. Possibly it has integration with some DIY or regular stores where you can buy required materials automatically putting them in a cart.

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