PCB design 101
Component selection Film vs ceramic vs electrolytic vs tantalum Ceramic - high frequency response due to lower inductance (therefore good HF…
Read more...Component selection Film vs ceramic vs electrolytic vs tantalum Ceramic - high frequency response due to lower inductance (therefore good HF…
Read more...Blogs Tokyo bird Jeremy Cook Stargirl Other blogs in a blogroll (maybe offtopic) Things motherboard schematics Services Helpful links for…
Read more...Under development
Read more...Under development
Assembly Here it is This is gonna be fun, right? Starting with the first bag. When I assemble a wardrobe or a desk I can figure out all…
Read more...I followed instructions from Make magazine (Volume 67) and I made a word clock. I also started a code project for discovering ways to place…
Read more...Under development
The idea is simple. Find a working example with a small neural network and make all neurons physical, and train it much faster because all…