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I’m going to go with tamagotchi idea for this game jam. It’s the only thing that fits good in my mind with the evolution theme.

So tamagotchi has the following meters

  • Hunger
  • Happy
  • Discipline
  • Training

and actions

  • Feed
  • Play
  • Bathroom/Toilet
  • Medicine
  • Weight check
  • Scold (criticism)

While I was thinking about evolution factors, the concept has been developed a little bit further and the tamagotchi interface is going to control not just one pet, but a population. For the first prototype I will go with simple arithmetic, but I also have a thought to try Lotka-Volterra competition model. That’s the only thing I remember from the course of mathematical models, but this name just stuck in my head for the end of my life 🙂

I found super cool visualization of dynamic predator–prey interaction by Mike Bostock

It can be an interesting card game, I mean real offline board game. Cruel and educational.But apparently there is already such board game! (facepalm)

Stages of evolution

Jamming gives very unique feeling that I've never had at work: after thorough planning on paper and in Confluence I tirelessly code and code and code. No questions, no meetings, no watercooler breaks. Ideal life 🦄

Card system


  • Genetic modification
    • Locomotion
    • Breath
    • Reproduction
    • Immune
    • Nutrition
  • Intervention
    • Environment impact
    • Interference (extracurricular)
  • Trait

Day Shift Cards

Title Type One time effect Constant effect Description
Hermaphroditism reproduction hermaphroditism Population is not affected if Distress card targets only one gender. Population can grow only if it is greater than 1. But this trait helps the population to grow again.
Androdioecy (Hermaphroditism) reproduction hermaphroditism Population is not affected if Distress card targets only one gender Instant effect: double the population
Gynodioecy (Hermaphroditism) reproduction hermaphroditism Population is not affected if Distress card targets only one gender Instant effect: double the population
Trioecy (Hermaphroditism) reproduction hermaphroditism Population is not affected if Distress card targets only one gender Instant effect: double the population
Fragmentation reproduction fragmentation Vulnerable to changing environments, parasites,
Gills breath gills Breathe underwater, always covered with moist on the ground
Cutaneous respiration breath thin skin Breathe with skin, no lungs. Thin skin
Lungs breath lungs Breathe with oxygen
Immune response immune immune Viruses has no affect
Greenhouse effect Environment impact greenhouse_effect_func +1 hunger if it equals 1 or less. Constant
Chloroplast (Photosynthesis) nutrition Convert light into chemical energy. +2 hunger
Go ashore locomotion training: +1 terrestial Leave water and live on the ground
Herd instinct Trait Discipline +2 Live together (forest)
Herbivore nutrition Eat plants +1 Hunger
Frugivore nutrition Eat fruits +1 Hunger, +1 Happiness
Xylophagous nutrition xylophagous Diet consists of wood
Predator nutrition Eat other animals, scavenging sometimes, +2 Hunger
Mimicry deterrent Antipredator adaptation. +10 population
Camouflage deterrent Antipredator adaptation. +10 population
Spine locomotion training: +1 vertebrate
Thorns deterrent deterrent Population protected from predators
Seeds/eggs/spores reproduction training: +1

Night Shift Cards

Title Type One time effect Constant effect Description
Asteroid Environment impact -10 population -2 hunger
Virus immune virus_func Virus incorporates its DNA into the host system and alters it. Randomly remove one trait
Plague breath plague_func Population becomes 10 or 1 if current population was 10. Not affecting if population has no lungs
Ice Age Environment impact Giants die, -2 hunger
Hematophagy nutrition hematophagy_func Vampire trait - has to consume blood to feed their hunger. Hunger -1 on every day
Genetic recombination Interference genetic_recombination_func
Appulse (Parade of the planets) Environment impact Once in a million years Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn all lined up in Space which causes a gravitational effect equal to influence of x10 Moons.
Discipline -3
Giant locomotion giants Slow, but mighty -1 hunger
Parasites nutrition -1 hunger
Global warming Environment impact -1 happiness
Heterotrophism nutrition Cannot produce nutrition by itself, must consume plants or animals. -1 hunger
Global flood Environment impact -1 happiness, -1 discipline

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