Published: Updated:

It probably started in 1982. Full crash course about Hopfiled networks.


def naive_train(data):
    M, N = data.shape
    print("data shape", M, N)
    W = np.zeros((M, M))
    rho = np.sum([np.sum(t) for t in data]) / (N * M)
    for k in range(N):
        t = data[:, k] - rho
        W += np.outer(t, t)

    W /= N
    # Zeroing the diagonal
    np.fill_diagonal(W, 0)
    return W


# This function approximates the behavior of the MATLAB satlins function 
# (saturating linear transfer) using np.clip().
def satlins(x):
    return np.clip(x, 0, 1)

def predict(data, W):
    CY = []

    M, N = data.shape
    # Iterating over each column of t
    for k in range(N):
        u = data[:, k]
        while np.linalg.norm(satlins(W @ u) - u) > 0:
            u = satlins(W @ u)

    CY = np.array(CY).T  # Convert list of arrays to 2D array
    return CY

Full notebook on AI sandbox

More resources

Modern Hopfield

And a recent article Hopfield Networks is All You Need saying that Hopfield networks just a generalization of Transformers.

Biology behind it (?)

My dictionary:

  • transcription factors SRF, c-fos, EGR-1, NF-kB
  • binding of transcritption factors
  • control region of a gene
  • response elements
  • increasing the transcription
  • binding protein
  • phosphorylated by PKA, MAPK, CaMK
  • promoter

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