
Without a doubt, Wikipedia is an incredible public source of knowledge. But most articles tend to describe topics in a scholarly manner. What we sometimes need are life hacks, advice, and instructions.

Where to find an article on how to set up a tent? Moreover, when you are going camping, how to plan it? Should you be aware of something before you go?

With different questions, we refer to our favorite search portal. It leads to different blog posts that usually provide informative content on the requested problem. But they are likely not reviewed by other people. It is not possible to see if a post has positive votes, or people can have corrections and updates. Having ratings and comments is a great deal for making a post reliable. Plus, each comment can have value. So we know if it is a joke or a possible turnover for the whole story. Yes, I am essentially talking about Stack Overflow, but for every aspect of life. Do not tell me that they already did it?

Another example. How to schedule a visit to an observatory. Do they open for the public? Do they track Moon every day and every night?

You can see this feature already implemented in Google, a list of questions derived from your search query. Maybe it is based on people's search, but I see them repetitive, alterations of the same sentence. I like more unexpected recommendations, like those on YouTube.

It should inspire you to open new information. It should show you that your search is primitive, and more compelling questions can be asked, of course, after you have received a full answer to your initial question. Thus it is not a difficulty of finding information, it is more a course of learning about the topic, ask specific questions, and grow with your discovery.

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