Build Godot game with Jenkins

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I choose Pipeline project in Jenkins, this allows me to create one Groovy script instead of doing it in GUI that may not support all features (for example, git LFS). With the script there is a catch though, it differs in syntax depending on what block you are using pipeline or node. And speaking in terms that Jenkins developers use: Declarative pipeline or Scripted pipeline. I will go through both of them and show what advantages they have.

Update: the latest pipelines for HTML5 and Windows export templates, and for Godot 4 are in this gist



I installed Jenkins from official Manjaro repository

sudo pacman -s jenkins

and updated the config /etc/conf.d/jenkins to use Java 11



To use docker push and docker pull locally you need to spin a local registry

docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --restart=always --name registry registry:2

And fix access rights

sudo usermod -aG docker jenkins
sudo systemctl restart jenkins

Build Godot

Here a build script used in the pipelines, its intend is to build very small engine for 2D games by disabling all 3D features. And also it requires the strip command to strip out debug symbols.


set +x

export BUILD_NAME="saturdayscode"

if [ -z $GD_BUILD_TYPE ]; then
    echo "[WARNING] GD_BUILD_TYPE not set"

modules="module_csg_enabled=no \
    module_dds_enabled=no \
    module_enet_enabled=no \
    module_etc_enabled=no \
    module_gdnative_enabled=no \
    module_gridmap_enabled=no \
    module_hdr_enabled=no \
    module_mobile_vr_enabled=no \
    module_pvr_enabled=no \
    module_recast_enabled=no \
    module_squish_enabled=no \
    module_tga_enabled=no \
    module_thekla_unwrap_enabled=no \
    module_tinyexr_enabled=no \
    module_visual_script_enabled=no \

if [ "$GD_BUILD_TYPE" = "editor" ]; then
    platform_target_tools="platform=x11 target=debug tools=yes"
elif [ "$GD_BUILD_TYPE" = "windows-templates" ]; then
    platform_target_tools="platform=windows target=release_debug tools=no"
    export_settings="disable_3d=yes use_lto=yes"
elif [ "$GD_BUILD_TYPE" = "templates" ]; then
    platform_target_tools="platform=x11 target=release_debug tools=no"
elif [ "$GD_BUILD_TYPE" = "server" ]; then
    platform_target_tools="platform=server target=release_debug tools=yes"

scons $platform_target_tools \
    arch=x64 \
    bits=64 \
    use_static_cpp=yes \
    minizip=no \
    $export_settings \

I'm using packages recommended in the docs.

FROM ubuntu:18.04

RUN apt-get update && \
    apt-get install --assume-yes --quiet \
        build-essential \
        python3 \
        scons \
        pkg-config \
        libx11-dev \
        libxcursor-dev \
        libxinerama-dev \
        libgl1-mesa-dev \
        libglu-dev \
        libasound2-dev \
        libpulse-dev \
        libfreetype6-dev \
        libssl-dev \
        libudev-dev \
        libxi-dev \
        libxrandr-dev \


It worked on Ubuntu 18 for version 3.1 and 3.2, but somewhere later they have updated Python to version 3. So we need to install it and update how the python command works

# Add 3 to the available alternatives
RUN update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python python /usr/bin/python3 1
# Set python3 as the default python
RUN update-alternatives --set python /usr/bin/python3

This image must be in our local registry. So before running a build job on Jenkins, run the following command in an empty folder. This folder must include only Dockerfile and, otherwise it will copy other files into the image just making that image taking extra space for no reason.

sudo docker build --tag mylittledocker/godot --file Dockerfile .

Using a Node block

Let's start with a Scripted pipeline, because it's more elegant and compact, but not flexible at all.

For start, this is how I build Godot engine in Jenkins

node {
    stage 'Checkout'
    git ''
    stage 'Build'
    docker.image('mylittledocker/godot').inside {
        ansiColor('xterm') {
            sh 'cp / .'
            sh 'chmod +x'
            sh 'rm -rf bin/'
            def build = "${env.GD_BUILD_TYPE}"
            if (build == 'ALL') {
                sh 'GD_BUILD_TYPE=editor ./'
                sh 'GD_BUILD_TYPE=templates ./'
                sh 'GD_BUILD_TYPE=server ./'
            } else {
                sh './'

    stage 'Archive'
    archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'bin/godot*', fingerprint: true, onlyIfSuccessful: true

LFS example

def packageName = 'game.tar.gz'

node {
    stage 'Checkout'
    checkout([$class: 'GitSCM',
        branches: [[name: '*/stable']],
        extensions: [[$class: 'GitLFSPull']],
        userRemoteConfigs: [[
            credentialsId: '***',
            url: '***'
    stage 'Build'
    docker.image('mylittledocker/game').inside {
        sh 'make all'
    stage 'Archive'
    archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'game.tar.gz', fingerprint: true, onlyIfSuccessful: true

Using a Pipeline block

What features we have here:

  • multiline string in Groovy
  • creating image and container right from the build script
def archiveName = 'game.tar.gz'
def dockerFile = '''FROM ubuntu:18.04

RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y python3
COPY /usr/bin
RUN ln -sr /usr/bin/ /usr/bin/godot

ENV UID 1000
ENV GD_VERSION 3.1.2.devel
RUN groupadd --system --gid $UID saturdayscode \
    && useradd --create-home \
        --shell /bin/bash \
        --no-log-init \
        --system \
        --gid saturdayscode \
        --uid $UID saturdayscode

USER saturdayscode
RUN mkdir -p \
    $HOME/.cache \
    $HOME/.local/share/godot/templates/$GD_VERSION \
COPY linux_x11_64_debug /home/saturdayscode/.local/share/godot/templates/$GD_VERSION/'''

def frontendImage

pipeline {
    agent { label 'godot' }
    environment {
    stages {
        stage('Checkout') {
            steps {
                dir('lobby') {
                        $class: 'GitSCM', 
                        branches: [[name: '*/stable']],
                        extensions: [
                            [$class: 'GitLFSPull'],
                            [$class: 'CheckoutOption', timeout: 20],
                            [$class: 'CloneOption', timeout: 120]
                        doGenerateSubmoduleConfigurations: false, 
                        extensions: [[
                            $class: 'SubmoduleOption', 
                            disableSubmodules: false, 
                            parentCredentials: true, 
                            recursiveSubmodules: false, 
                            trackingSubmodules: false
                        submoduleCfg: [], 
                        userRemoteConfigs: [[
                            credentialsId: '***',
                            url: '***'
        stage('Prepare container') {
            steps {
                dir('docker') {
                    copyArtifacts filter: 'bin/godot.x11.debug.x64',
                        fingerprintArtifacts: true,
                        projectName: 'godot-templates',
                        selector: lastSuccessful()
                    sh 'cp -v bin/godot.x11.debug.x64 linux_x11_64_debug'
                    copyArtifacts filter: 'bin/',
                        fingerprintArtifacts: true,
                        projectName: 'godot-server',
                        selector: lastSuccessful()
                    sh 'cp -v bin/ .'
                    script {
                        writeFile file: 'Dockerfile', text: dockerFile
                        frontendImage ='mylittledocker/game')
        stage('Clean') {
            when {
                expression { "$env.CLEAN_IMPORT" == 'true' }
            steps {
                sh 'find -name "*.import" | xargs -i rm -rf "{}"'
        stage('Build') {
            steps {
                script {
                    frontendImage.inside {
                        ansiColor('xterm') {
                            sh "./ ${env.GAME_BUILD}" 
        stage('Archive') {
            steps {
                sh "cd Build && tar -czf ../${archiveName} *"
                archiveArtifacts artifacts: "${archiveName}",
                    fingerprint: true,
                    onlyIfSuccessful: true


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