Build ROCM from source
Previously I compiled TensorFlow 2.3 on Windows. This time I want to use a more powerful Linux workstation with an AMD graphics card. Thus I…
Read more...Previously I compiled TensorFlow 2.3 on Windows. This time I want to use a more powerful Linux workstation with an AMD graphics card. Thus I…
Read more...I've used A* algorithm to search for the shortest path but I didn't know that it was created in the course of the Shakey project. Shakey the…
Read more...Last Sunday on a hike I was thinking if robots can love. I somehow came to that topic after reviewing associative memory and an ability of…
Read more...The following answer by Ivan Bartsov is copied from Unix&Linux Stack Exchange Ext filesystems store backups of the superblock -- for an…
Read more...Sometimes using on Linux you can get a long traceback message instead of a plot that you expected. Strangely it says something about key…
Read more...Today I'm thinking about the best way to stack boards (to support extensions in other words). In my search I stumbled upon these DIP…
Read more...If you wonder about the register or about compiler flag to omit the frame pointer: what is the purpose of rbp…
Read more...When you need to present your model for 3D printing community, you need an illustration made in the style like technical instructions. Also…
Read more...After part 1 I want to add some more rules about time management. Unknown language or unknown framework takes 5 times longer, then something…
Read more...Once in a while I like to step aside and think about where we’re all going, about the big picture of some sort. It's hilarious how we use…
Read more...Preface In computer science there’s an interesting exercise when you need to make a program that prints itself. In similar manner what about…
Read more...I'm having a depression and I've been working on my website this weekend 😑 I post different stuff, but it definitely lacks interconnections…
Read more...Pwnagotchi https://twitter…
Read more...Get the books There are many online books about Rust. Here is my top 5: The Book - start here Rust by example - the same concepts as in The…
Read more...Some of my best decisions: learn C (gives understanding of stack, heap, and memory management) learn git (no joke, I was taught at my first…
Read more...All programming languages have they own quirks. That is why I started "Why do I hate ...?" article series. It is not about my hate, because…
Read more...that's why my scripting language is C++, that way my compile errors are some eldritch indescriptible nightmare AND my runtime errors are…
Read more...Andrew Male in his Twitter asked: If anyone is bored and into robotics, I need one that will sit on my desk and when it sees me reading code…