Logic model of the world
Math club notes I took one course about modal logic, that was fascinating. Kripke semantics have “for sure” and “maybe”. Sadly I only…
Read more...Math club notes I took one course about modal logic, that was fascinating. Kripke semantics have “for sure” and “maybe”. Sadly I only…
Read more...Math club notes. I've never heard about knots (in mathematics) and Khovanov homology invariants. Its calculation is, I quote, "prohibitively…
Read more...Based on the discussion with Jorge Romero on Twitter Proprioception A long-standing puzzle from developmental psychology: how infants…
Read more...One morning I see in my timeline this tweet. It exlaims about transformer model abilities NN learns how to learn linear regression, decision…
Read more...It would be strange to learn Machine Learning and never use Jupyter notebooks. Data scientists LOVE Jupyter notebooks. It's what they use on…
Read more...Very interesting things that have very good write up, but I do not have time to read it all at the day when I see it and it's not usually…