
My own UDP client and Art-Net parser

First we use a tool like Resolume or LED Strip Studio

screenshot of the capturing process where Wireshark and LED Strip Studio are open

Then we capture UDP packets from the software with the following wireshark capture settings:

udp and src host and port 6454

Wireshark saves packets in pcap format, then we will use pcap library to read them and then we need to parse Art-Net structures, make a few changes and send to LED controller. Yes, controller, not LED strip directly. It can be a specialized device like DMX King or Arduino board with Art-Net library like ArtneWifi



The Udp object implementation depends on what board is selected in Arduino IDE. For Wemos W1 theESP8266WiFi library is used. There in WiFiUdp.cpp we find implementation of the begin method.

uint8_t WiFiUDP::begin(uint16_t port)
  if (_ctx) {
    _ctx = 0;

  _ctx = new UdpContext;
  return (_ctx->listen(IPAddress(), port)) ? 1 : 0;

where the listen function is defined in UdpContext.h

bool listen(const IPAddress& addr, uint16_t port)
  udp_recv(_pcb, &_s_recv, (void *) this);
  err_t err = udp_bind(_pcb, addr, port);
  return err == ERR_OK;

The udp_ functions seem to come from lwip (mirror)

Compare it with implementation of UDP.begin for another board:

uint8_t WiFiUDP::begin(uint16_t port)
	struct sockaddr_in addr;
	uint32 u32EnableCallbacks = 0;

	_sndSize = 0;
	_parsedPacketSize = 0;

	// Initialize socket address structure.
	addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
	addr.sin_port = _htons(port);
	addr.sin_addr.s_addr = 0;

	if (_socket != -1 && WiFiSocket.bound(_socket)) {
		_socket = -1;

	// Open UDP server socket.
	if ((_socket = WiFiSocket.create(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)) < 0) {
		return 0;

	WiFiSocket.setopt(_socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SET_UDP_SEND_CALLBACK, &u32EnableCallbacks, 0);

	// Bind socket:
	if (!WiFiSocket.bind(_socket, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in))) {
		_socket = -1;
		return 0;

	return 1;


Send/receive DMX on Arduino


Send/receive Art-Net on Arduino



python is so easy IP Adress from string

UDP broadcast would be considered the phsyical layer broadcast address while would be considered the network layer broadcast address.

c++ udp send broadcast permission denied

As a service

I'm going to add a TCP client socket to my PCAP reader/UDP sender which will add it to the mesh of services. I use zmq library for that, specifically a C++ wrapper

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