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How often do you find an actual answer on StackOverflow that works for you only at the bottom and it has 0 votes?

For example, very important for every web developer question, how to upgrade all packages to their latest versions with npm?

All other answers do not work for me, because I'd like to have a pure approach when I don't need to install any extra package (especially global), and if I need to remember a new command, then let it be the command from the npm itself. Good news, there is such solution!


Discover dependencies that are out of date

npm outdated


Update your dependencies with

npm install <package-name-1>@latest <package-name-2>@latest ...

Seems like a tedious handwork, but bear with me.


Some pros of updating packages manually or one by one:

  • after each package update you run tests, if tests fail, you know what package brings breaking changes
  • you have time to think if you really need this package. probably it is good time for refactoring

I hope you always scroll through all answers on StackOverflow. Even just out of curiosity.


Use yarn

yarn upgrade --latest

yarn has other perks comparing to npm.

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