
Making players to miss a turn is a serious punishment. Some people may find it very frustrating and will keep sour memories about the game-play.

One thing that players dislike in board games the most is downtime. The time when they are not making decisions, waiting for another players. It can be quite boring, especially if player’s actions do not affect stats of others. So when a game dictates to skip the next turn it is no fun because you now have double of boring time.

Then why game designers did invent such mechanic? It works fluently in adventure games, where you roll dice and move, all players have similar pace and deliberately someone will reach the finish line... until the designer have decided to make it spicy. Depending on how big every step interval is, ranging from 1-2 to 6-12, players might have a definitive winner at early stages, such that no roll will help the situation, except a miracle, like making two turns in a row.

From all games that I have played, many of them have this rule. I do not agree with people who blame the rule for making the game worse. I believe if a skipped turn can be explained by the game’s theme, then the rule will be seamless for the players.

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