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Today my niche site is exactly 2 years old and just surpassed 112 pagewievs/month 📈 All this time, I’ve been learning and iterating on how to write the best informational posts possible.

Here’s 2 years of learning, distilled down to 1 minute.

I must say that I learned one thing. Google Analytics never counts people who use AdBlock or any other anti tracking tools. And that makes sense, because you only need those whom you can show Ads and get some monetary value from your content.

Then to maximize your profit you need to choose a niche across users who do not use AdBlock and who do not care about their privacy.

Sample topics could be:

  • Cooking
  • Travel blog
  • Vegetarian diet
  • fresh Windows install


  • Know your competitors and do better.
  • Write more about how someone can solve their problems, less about your existential problems.
  • Google knows your bounce rate. If your site solves someone's problem once, it will go up in the rank.
  • Write with a twist. someone likes dinosaurs, another person - tacos, you - ?
  • Update your content, Google needs to know that your site is still alive.
  • Every backlink is valuable. Getting backlinks is one important story, but if you have some (there is a service to check that), then don’t dare to remove those pages!
  • Identify search queries related to the topic and use them in <h2> headings.
  • Google hates thin content pages, like a list of posts grouped by tags where there is only one post for a rare tag.


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